Surveillance Video Evidence Air Robot

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with autonomous flight and navigation capabilities and modular payloads. System has GPS, optical, compass, gyroscopic, and barometric sensors for guidance and stabilization. The system can be flown by visual (observing it fly from the ground) or by viewing the onboard video at the ground station on a LCD or with VR goggles. The system has the capability to fly unattended, stabilized in a stationary location, rotation, and altitude for overhead data acquisition, perch (land) as a fixed location for data acquisition, or fly like an standard UAV for mobile data acquisition. All data is automatically downloaded and archived in DIMS with complete chain of custody and authentication.

Changeable payload packages:
Daylight color video live to base station
10M pixel still camera with live preview to base station
Night vision .0003 lux b/w video live to base station
IR thermal video live to base station
NBC detectors with live telemetry to base station
Airlift capability to drop payloads